Sample Letter Asking To Join Results As A Member/Monthly Sponsor


It is with optimism and confidence in healing and peace in the world that I write to you. My confidence comes from my own involvement in a grassroots citizen action network, RESULTS, that is transforming our world of rampant poverty into one where everyone has the health care, education and economic opportunity to thrive. It sounds impossible, and I might have thought so too. But since I’ve been more active as a citizen through the support of RESULTS — calling and writing my members of Congress and educating others — I see that our democracy really can work. And I’ve seen that there are practical solutions to even seemingly overwhelming problems like hunger and poverty.

There are two realities that never cease to wake me up:

1. A 1 year old girl in Africa died today — of starvation. She is one of 26,500 children who die every day, mostly from preventable causes.
2. A 5 year old boy in Chicago died today — because he had no health insurance. 1,000 American children lose their health insurance each week.

These two have an important relationship: children die primarily because their families, communities and governments are unable to access the resources to provide them with the necessities of life, such as adequate nutrition, clean water, sanitation and healthcare. Through RESULTS I use my voice to make sure that these basic needs of every person are a priority of our elected officials.

Here’s the kind of leverage that a donation to RESULTS creates:

* RESULTS volunteers were instrumental in pressing Congress to approve the largest-ever annual increase in funding for the Global Fund, an extremely effective non-government entity that helps deliver services to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
* RESULTS generated massive support among the public, press, and Congress for expanding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to reach 10 million children—3.9 million of whom currently do not have health insurance.

I know you must get lots of requests to fund all kinds of good causes, as I do. And I don’t want you to get the feeling that because we are friends that I have any expectations for you to fund RESULTS just because I am asking you to. I simply want you to know that it is truly possible to create big shifts in national and international policies and bring an end to poverty. If that speaks to you, I want to invite you to consider becoming a monthly sponsor of RESULTS. To do that, you contribute $10 or more each month and have the money withdrawn from your credit card or checking account. The brochure is attached which shows how to do it. Or you can become a member for as little as $35 and receive our quarterly newsletter, the RESULTS Advocate.

I’ll call in a couple of days to follow up and answer any questions you may have. It feels good to be able to share some good news about what’s going on in the world — I look forward to talking.

Warm regards,

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